The Wiring Regulations suggest that electrical installations in privately owned properties are inspected every 10 years. In practice however, most domestic installations over a few years old have probably never been tested. An up to date Electrical Installation Condition Report will give homeowners peace of mind that they are living in an electrically safe environment.
Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)
Compliance with the Wiring Regulations may be achieved by carrying out an Electrical Installation Condition Report (formerly known as a Periodic Inspection Report). As the name suggests, this is a report, not a certificate, and it provides an assessment of the in-service condition of an electrical installation compared with the requirements of the current regulations.
Private and Commercial Landlord Testing
In most cases landlords both private and commercial are likely to have a duty of care towards their tenants to ensure wiring systems and electrical equipment are maintained in a safe condition. Periodic inspection and testing is a recognised method of demonstrating compliance.
Buying a Property and Getting in Tested
Costs of rewiring or upgrading an electrical installation can be expensive. A mortgage valuation or homebuyers report will only make general comments on the electrical services whereas an EICR can be used to give a full appraisal of the condition of the wiring.